Welcome to the Projects page of Kindtech!

Here, we showcase our initiatives dedicated to leveraging technology for kindness, particularly in conflict zones. Explore how our projects—DigitalePalestine, Menha, and SimuLearn—are making a tangible difference by empowering freelancers, providing scholarships, and revolutionizing education access. Join us in our mission to create positive impact through innovation and compassion


Join us in exploring our current projects aimed at addressing
social challenges and promoting kindness



Empowering Palestinian Freelancers, Connecting Talent Globally. A nonprofit freelance platform links verified Palestinian freelancers with international employers. Supported by the Palestinian tech community, through secure payments and seamless connections for impactful collaborations.

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Empowering Palestinian Students through Scholarships. Directly contribute to the education of Palestinian university students by funding their tuition fees. With Menha, your donations go straight to the university, ensuring transparency and impact while receiving detailed reports on student progress.

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Bridging Educational Gaps for Palestinian School Students. An app offers interactive, gamified access to school curriculum for Palestinian students. Packed with videos and interactive content, Simumlearn operates offline, addressing connectivity challenges to ensure uninterrupted learning experiences.

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